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Friday, July 27, 2012

Enjoying summer

             Hello to all, hope you are having a nice summer wherever you are!  We had a rainy June, but now are at our usual mild temperatures.  It is nice to take the dogs out for a good run and have them come home and flop down on the cool grass in the shade with their tongues hanging out!  Their favorite place to get water is the horse trough, the horses don't mind sharing.  
              I have posted some new pictures of Addy, she is 9 months old now and still here, but she needs a home where she would get more attention.  I have gone back to work full time, and she and her mother are both going to new homes when I find them.  Any interest can be directed my way at my email......      Thank you.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Foxy Wins a Major

        Foxy wins a Major!!  Foxy is the bitch puppy I kept from the litter of last October.  She is very typey for the breed and moves like a dream.  When you breed a litter, the object is to improve over the parents, and she has done this nicely.  She looks a lot like her mother Dash did at this age, and has her dad Wileys' mellow outlook.  I did not get to show her myself as I had to work, but my sister Michelle took her in for Winners Bitch at the Timberland Valley Dog Fanciers Show.  I am hoping to get her to some more shows this summer, but my new job works every weekend, so we shall see.  Her sister Addy is still for sale to a pet home, and I am also going to sell the mother, Dash.  She has been a nice show dog, and has potential to be bred to a nice dog again, but I will not have time to do any more litters for a while.  Please contact me via email if you have any interest.  Thanks!